should i get diet now??


Does the word “diet” immediately make you think of unpleasant weight-loss regiment? Let us discuss what is the diet meaning.

Diet can be defined in vary perspective by each individual and organization depending on individual needs:-

    e.g:  1. Age

            2. Gender

            3. Lifestyle

            4. Degree of physical activity 

Today we just look what the diet is in generally, that could help you understand the diet meaning. This is because lots of people underestimated the meaning of diet- most people thinking the diet crucially needs to cut all the foods and sugar and only eat vegetables in days, which very wrong.

In nutritional perspective diet could be define as the sum of food consumed by an organism such as human or animals. Diet in generally also can be defined as taking a balance nutritional food such as right amount of water and right number of calories in a one plate of food (based on diet triangle). Diet can also refer to the right amount of good healthy food and drink consumes daily by a person and the mental and physical circumstances connected to eating lifestyle. In other words, diet is how some entity taking serious in their lifestyle of eating and drinking behaviour based on their cultured to avoid these’ve from being malnutrition, so the physical and mental being are able to function properly in a healthy way.
